Orphaned Longroofs, Part 2
/1971 Pontiac Grand Safari Station Wagon (by Art Fitzpatrick)
I still remember the v-shaped hole in my childhood friend, Kenny Klein’s garage wall, after his 17-year old big sister forgot which peddle was the brake.
Devoted to remembering the lost automakers - great and not so great - of the last seventy-five years
Dedicated to remembering the lost car makers, the orphaned brands that are such a rich and entertaining piece of American automobile history.
1971 Pontiac Grand Safari Station Wagon (by Art Fitzpatrick)
I still remember the v-shaped hole in my childhood friend, Kenny Klein’s garage wall, after his 17-year old big sister forgot which peddle was the brake.
Dedicated to remembering the lost carmakers, the orphan brands, that are such a rich part of the history of the American automobile